2020 Webmaster hand-off punch list

Tasks to complete as a part of Webmaster rotation:

  1. Get site current with updates, etc.
  2. Set up login for Stephanie
  3. “Fix” problems with Duplicator plugin
    1. Uninstalled and re-installed plugin an still unable to see a list of successfully built packages. Items indicate “seeing” packages but not able to display list…
    2. Posted question to Duplicator support forum.
  4. Set time for hand-off meeting
  5. Hand-off meeting…
    1. Passwords in Box – update for convention sites
    2. Support stuff
    3. Theme – how is matomo hooked in?
    4. Translation
    5. Plugins
    6. Duplicator
    7. Draw Attention image map for District Maps
    8. Events in Calendar
    9. Wordfence
    10. Montomo – figure out where it’s at in terms of working
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