The Area 10 Assembly, simply put, is where we conduct the Area’s business. A chance for the District and Group representatives to come together with the Area Delegate, and the Area Committee, to discuss and vote on issues related to A.A. in our Area as well as The General Service Conference. All members of A.A. are welcome to attend.
View Current Area 10 Procedure Guide
The Area Assembly shall consist of all current Area Committee members and currently serving General Service Representatives (G.S.R.’s). In the absence of a G.S.R., that group’s Alternate G.S.R., if in attendance, will be a member of the Area Assembly. Voting at the Area assembly shall be confined to the voting members of the Area Committee and the current G.S.R.’s or their eligible alternates who are in attendance. Absentee or proxy voting shall not be used. The Area assembly shall convene three times a year. The time and place for the March, July, and November meetings will be selected at least one year in advance. The Delegate’s Session will be placed on the Saturday morning agenda by the Area Chairperson for the March and November assemblies. The Delegate’s General Service Conference Report will head the agenda for the Saturday session of the July assembly.
Summer 2025 Assembly
July 18th-20th
Double Tree by Hilton
743 horizon dr
Grand Junction, CO 8150
Link to flyer(coming soon)
Hotel link
Winter 2025 Assembly
November 21st-23rd
Chamonix Casino and Hotel
201 E Bennett Ave
Cripple Creek, CO 80813
Link to flyer(coming soon)
Hotel Booking link
If your District is interested in hosting an Area Assembly, please review the Area 10 Assembly Guidelines below.
Area 10 Assembly Guidelines (Approved March 2013)
Area 10 Procedure Guide (Adopted July 2018 Corrected August 2020)
Guía de Procedimientos del Alcohólicos Anónimos del Área 10
Need help with the hotel portion of your assembly bid? Contact the Contract Coordinator at
If you have any questions regarding Area 10 Assemblies, please contact:
Area 10 Chairperson at